Yes. Wallpaper is quite cheaper compared to paints without compromising with quality. Also thousands of designs, patterns and textures are available to choose from unlike paints.
We provide absolutely free site survey, guidance on home décor and free estimate for jobwork.
Very next day work execution is possible upon confirmed work order & advance payment.
Wallpaper installation is a one day hassle-free work. You need not move your belongings as in case of painting.
Absolutely yes. Wallpapers are installed using non-allergic, non-smelling, eco-friendly & branded adhesives by skilled labour. Wallpaper is 100% hygienic for kids too.
Yes. Wallpapers are washables. Also Wallpapers are made of fireproof material thus, ensuring your safety.
Yes. As Wallpaper consist of reflective material, it does not absorb light (it reflects) resulting in electricity saving.